Tuesday, June 16, 2009


After reading the book I was talking about in my last post
(Click here to read it), I decided to continue working on the easier, out of print pattern for a simpler jacket. I still used the book to make a few alterations, though, and they worked like a charm!

1. I moved the shoulder dot forward (shoulder roll), took some of the sleeve cap off the back (about 3/8") and added it to the front of the cap.

2. I widened the back yoke to accomodate my rounded back.

3. I took 1 inch off the side seams accross the waist area to make it more of an hourglass shape on the sides.

I know I have yet to post any pictures, and I sincerely apologize. My stupid computer SD slot is not working and I haven't had time to mess around with it so I can post actual pictures of my creations. I promise, promise, promise to get them up by this weekend!

One thing I did discover while working with my peachskin polyester fabric --- never, ever, ever, ever purchase slinky polyester for less than $10 a yard again. It was such a gorgeous red and it was so nice when draped over my arm... however... this type of peachskin poly is completely ruined when you accidentally scratch it with anything harder than your fingertip. I ruined two pieces of it already by dragging it on the corner of my sewing table (which, by the way, is taped off and covered so it is completely smooth). I now have to use some of the original pieces as the lining and recut my back piece. Good thing I bought 5 yards of this crap! I WAS going to make a skirt to match, but I'll be lucky to get the jacket made without ruining it and swearing like a truck driver whenever it touches something. I'll post pictures of the color and the scratches this weekend, too, I promise!

If anyone knows of any help with this type of fabric, let me know. I tried wetting the scratches, but to no avail. I also tried a soft brush to perhaps try to brush them out, thinking that maybe they were like the shine you get with ironing. Nope. Nada. Zip.

I look forward to my next project, that is for sure --- pale, sunflower yellow linen and pastel stripes linen --- a complete wardrobe to mix/match. Dress, jacket, shell, and pants. Oohhh, I can't wait to start on them!

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